The top three reported concerns include getting sick from the Coronavirus, local businesses struggling and closing, and not being able to work.
- This finding underscores the importance of local businesses to the economy and identity of North Dakota. The Department of Commerce will continue working with partners like the Small Business Development Centers to support small businesses with adapting operations to meet social distancing guidelines. Information for businesses can be found on the ND Smart Restart website.
- These trends and other takeaways from the survey will inform programming that the Department of Commerce implements through the Main Street Initiative, including at the 2020 Main Street Summit, through regional Main Street convenings, and other resources.
- Finally, while many businesses are now open for operation, Commerce encourages all North Dakotans to continue to adhere to CDC guidelines for their safety and the safety of others as they support their local businesses. All North Dakotans can now download the Care19 app, which allows for increased contact tracing – essential to slowing the spread of COVID-19.