988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline – If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available.
Call or Text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org.
Other important behavioral health information: 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline | Health and Human Services North Dakota
North Dakota Grazing Lands Coalition
The Coalition's Mentor Network connects ranchers with producers who are trying to rebuild affected grazing systems.
The Grazing Exchange connects producers who need forage with those who have forage and/or producers who have forage with those who need forage.
In response to devastating wildfires across parts of North Dakota in October, the USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has allocated $1 million in special funding to support landowners and operators in rebuilding essential conservation practices lost to the fires. Through an expedited approval process called ACT NOW, NRCS will provide timely assistance to restore impacted areas. The ACT NOW process allows applications to be preapproved and funded quickly, with eligible projects advancing in the order received.
Approved conservation practices include conservation cover, windbreak/shelterbelt establishment, fencing, pasture and hay planting, range planting, and watering facilities.
For more information, landowners, ranchers, and producers in the affected areas are encouraged to contact their local NRCS Field Office:
Livestock Mortality Resources
*Important: Document livestock losses with dated photos prior to disposal.
- NDSU Extension video explaining livestock mortality disposal options (YouTube)
- Animal Carcass Disposal Options Rendering • Incineration • Burial • Composting (NDSU Extension Publication)
- 4 Easy Steps for Composting Dead Livestock (NDSU Extension Publication)
Crop Harvest Fire Prevention Resources
- Crop Harvest Fire Prevention Checklist
- Steps to help prevent combine fires during harvest: Warm, dry harvest conditions increase risk of combine fires
- Steps and guidance on safely cleaning a combine: Recommended Procedures for a between-field combine clean-out
NDSU Extension – Impacts Assessment
If you were impacted, please reach out to your local NDSU Extension Office.
NDSU Extension is coordinating with state and federal partners to assess agricultural losses caused by the wildfires. This information will provide a better understanding of the needs of those directly impacted and help direct recovery efforts.
ND Stockmen’s Association
Contact: 701-223-2522 or 701-595-2421
The North Dakota Stockmen's Association is taking reports of missing livestock. People can report either animals that are lost or if they find animals that don't belong to them.
USDA – Farm Service Agency - Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP)
You can find your closest office at USDA Service Center Locator: https://offices.sc.egov.usda.gov/locator/app.
The FSA LIP offers payments to eligible producers for livestock death losses in excess of normal mortality due to adverse weather such as wildfires.
Please note that livestock deaths need to be reported within 30-days of the fire.
USDA – Farm Service Agency - Livestock Forage Program (LFP)
You can find your closest office at USDA Service Center Locator: https://offices.sc.egov.usda.gov/locator/app.
The LFP offers payments to grazing producers for reduced forage from eligible drought in the county, and wildfire on federally managed acreage. (Only currently available in Adams, Bowman, Divide, Williams, Billings, Golden Valley, McKenzie, and Slope. Additional counties may become eligible due to drought conditions each week.)
USDA – Farm Service Agency - Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-Raised Fish Program (ELAP)
You can find your closest office at USDA Service Center Locator: https://offices.sc.egov.usda.gov/locator/app.
The ELAP offers payments to grazing producers for lost grazing, lost feed, water hauling, due to drought and adverse weather conditions such as wildfires.
USDA – Farm Service Agency (FSA) - Emergency Conservation Program (ECP)
You can find your closest office at USDA Service Center Locator: https://offices.sc.egov.usda.gov/locator/app.
The ECP provides emergency funding for farmers and ranchers to rehabilitate land severely damaged by natural disasters; including fence losses from wildfires.
USDA – Farm Service Agency (FSA)- Emergency Loan Program
You can find your closest office at USDA Service Center Locator: https://offices.sc.egov.usda.gov/locator/app.
Emergency loans are available to producers with agriculture operations located in a county under a primary or contiguous Presidential or Secretarial disaster designation such as drought or wildfire. These low interest loans (currently 3.75%) help producers recover from production and physical losses. Be sure to contact your local USDA Service Center early.
ND Department of Agriculture - Harvest Hotline
Contact: 701-328-5110.
The Harvest Hotline assists with linking producers with available harvest-related resources.
ND Department of Agriculture - Hay Hotline
Contact: 701-328-5110.
The Hay Hotline assists with finding available feed and forage for drought or wildfire impacted producers.
Farm Rescue
Contact: 701-252-2017
Producers can apply to receive assistance with hay hauling, livestock feeding, and planting
P.O. Box 28, Horace, ND 58047
North Dakota Insurance Department
Contact: 701-328-2440
Provides producers with guides and assistance with the filing of insurance claims and navigating the insurance process post disaster.
Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) Program
The CISM Program is available 24/7 and provides free and confidential mental health and support services to all levels of first responders that are affected by the impacts of stress and emotions after dealing with emergency situations or crises.
2-1-1 or (701) 235-7335
Provides information online or by phone about helpful community resources and provides information and referrals for essential needs like food, housing and shelter for people experiencing homelessness, help with utilities, transportation, and more.
Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Resources
- Find Behavioral Health Services https://hhs.nd.gov/behavioral-health/find-services
- Find HHS Regional Human Service Centers (Behavioral Health Clinics) hhs.nd.gov/HSC
- North Dakota Mental Health Program Directory hhs.nd.gov/behavioral-health/directory
- Recovery Talk (701) 291-7901 or hhs.nd.gov/behavioral-health/recovery-talk
Mental Health Crisis Line
If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available any time via call, text, or chat.
NDSU Extension
NDSU Extension offers educational publications on managing or coping from the impacts and stress of disaster events.
- FS2092 - Helping the Helpers in Times of Crisis or Natural Disaster (educational publication) https://www.ndsu.edu/agriculture/extension/publications/helping-helpers-times-crisis-or-natural-disaster
- FS2093 - Dealing with Stress After a Crisis or Natural Disaster (educational publication) https://www.ndsu.edu/agriculture/extension/publications/dealing-stress-after-crisis-or-natural-disaster
- FS1953 - Helping Your Child Cope After a Natural Disaster (educational publication) https://www.ndsu.edu/agriculture/extension/publications/helping-your-child-cope-after-natural-disaster
- Link to Managing Stress webpage and resources, videos, etc. on the AgHub site: https://miv.ext.nodak.edu/agriculture/ag-hub/ag-topics/farm-safety-health/managing-stress
Windbreak Renovation Initiative
Contact: Matt Olson, Forest Stewardship Manager, North Dakota Forest Service at (701) 683-4323 or matthew.p.olson@ndsu.edu.
Provides landowners with free, customized windbreak assessment and renovation plan with recommendations for practices to restore a windbreak. Cost share funds available for renovation practices, like removals and replanting.
North Dakota Forest Landowner Technical Assistance Request (Microsoft Form)
Rapid Assessment Form for Wells after Wildfires
Environmental health practitioners with experience working on individual wells can use this form to quickly assess damage and risk to the well and water infrastructure.
Practitioners can also use this form—along with water quality sampling information—to help homeowners or business owners take action to repair damage to the well and water system infrastructure and keep their water safe.
Rapid Assessment Form for Wells after Wildfires | Environmental Health Services | CDC
Disaster Remediation Information
Contact: 701-328-5150
The North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality has detailed information about disaster remediation including proper cleanup after a fire or other disaster online at deq.nd.gov/flood. A number of topics are covered such as appropriate waste disposal and debris removal, including how to address asbestos hazards and disposing of large animal carcasses.
Small Business Administration - Economic Injury Disaster Loans
Economic Injury Disaster loans are currently available for small nonfarm businesses, small agricultural cooperatives, and most private non-profit organizations located in Divide, Williams, McKenzie, Bowman, Adams, and Slope Counties and that suffered substantial economic injury. These loans are only available for small businesses when the Small Business Administration determines they are unable to obtain credit elsewhere.
"Out of the Ashes" Wildfire Disaster Relief Program
To help North Dakota cattlemen and women offset losses from these destructive fires and the challenges that are sure to linger long after the last flame is put out, the non-profit organizations are launching the Out of the Ashes Wildfire Disaster Relief Program. The NDSA and NDSF have kickstarted the relief fund with a $50,000 initial contribution and are inviting others to join them by contributing to the effort.
Monetary contributions to the Out of the Ashes Wildfire Disaster Relief Program can be made two ways:
- Checks can be made to the NDSF with “Out of the Ashes” written in the memo and sent to 4520 Ottawa St., Bismarck, ND 58503; or
- Credit card gifts can be made online by clicking the link below.
The gifts will be pooled and distributed in their entirety to North Dakota cattle ranchers this winter through an application and nomination process. A committee comprised of fellow ranchers will review the applications and distribute the funds to those most in need. Application and nomination forms for the disaster relief program will be available at the end of the month at www.ndstockmen.org.