
We suggest residents utilize online instead of in person services whenever possible in support of the state of emergency caused by the novel coronavirus COVID-19. Below is a list of state agencies that provide online services to the public.

Besides these items, many things may be handled via phone and mail without having to stop in.

Department of Human Services

North Dakotans are encouraged to use the department’s self-service portal at to apply for Medicaid health care coverage and other help, including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), child care assistance and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).

Some individuals can also use the portal webpage to complete required reviews, report changes in income, household size and other circumstances, and to securely upload documents.

Parents can also find resources and information and can access online Child Support services at Parents with questions about their case can also call Child Support customer service at 701-328-5440, toll-free at 800-231-4255 and 711 (TTY).

ND Vital Records

You are able to request certified copies of birth and death records online at

North Dakota Game and Fish Department

Game and Fish services you can do online:

  • Online licensing is available and new fishing and hunting licenses are needed starting April 1.
  • Online boat registration is available; 2020 is the first year of the new 3-year boat registration period, so now is a good time to take care of that before open water is available.
  • The Game and Fish Department’s online boating safety course is available, or order a course book by mail and take the course at home at your leisure.
  • Apply online for a moose, elk or bighorn sheep hunting license. The deadline is Wednesday, March 25.

North Dakota Department of Transportation

Motor Vehicle and Driver License items you can do online:

North Dakota University System

Here you will find information about the 11 NDUS Institutions plans of action during the COVID-19 emergency.

North Dakota Insurance Department

Online Services

State Tax Department

Online tax services

State Library

North Dakota Department of Agriculture

Online Services available through the Department of Agriculture.


  • Request services for pipeline and wind reclamation and restoration

  • All grain licenses available through
  • All feed licenses and registrations available through
    • Feed retailers licenses
    • Feed registrations
    • Pet food registrations
    • Feed manufacturer licenses

  • The following may be done at
    • Nursery - Apply for a nursery dealer or grower license, add dealer locations or growing areas
    • Hemp - Apply for a processor license, grower license or register fields
    • Apiary – Create a beekeeper account, register apiary locations, or apply for a license
    • Pesticide Applications – Register pesticide applications or sign up for alerts for hive movement.