Date |
Agency |
Title |
12-28-16 |
Morton County Sheriff's Department |
Five arrested for criminal trespass as protestors fail to uphold agreement |
12-22-16 |
ND Department of Transportation |
12-21-16 | ND Game and Fish Department | |
12-21-16 |
Morton County Sheriff's Department |
12-15-16 |
Morton County Sheriff's Department |
12-14-16 |
Morton County Sheriff's Department |
12-12-16 |
Morton County Sheriff's Department |
Morton County appreciates overwhelming support from community |
12-12-16 |
Morton County Sheriff's Department |
12-9-16 |
Morton County Sheriff's Department |
Protesters arrested at Backwater Bridge despite agreement to not come on bridge |
12-6-16 |
Morton County Office of Emergency Management |
12-5-16 |
Morton County Sheriff's Department |
12-5-16 |
Morton County Sheriff's Department |
Law Enforcement Looks to Tribal Elder Leadership to Control Violence |
12-5-16 |
Morton County Sheriff's Department |
12-5-16 |
Morton County |
12-4-16 |
Morton County Sheriff's Department |
Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier Statement on Pipeline Decision |
12-4-16 |
Morton County Sheriff's Department |
Law Enforcement follows through on its commitment to de-escalate conflict |
12-4-16 | Morton County Sheriff's Department | Sheriff Laney Briefs Law Enforcement on Moving Back from Bridge |
12-4-16 | Morton County Sheriff's Department | Law Enforcement encouraged by respected elder influence in de-escalation efforts |
12-3-16 | Morton County Sheriff's Department | Law Enforcement seek de-escalation within protest conflict |
12-2-16 | Morton County Sheriff's Department | Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier Holds Call With US Attorney General Loretta Lynch on Dakota Access Pipeline Protests |
12-2-16 | Morton County Sheriff's Department | DAPL Protest Wanted Suspects - Criminal Complaint |
12-2-16 | Morton County Sheriff's Department | Restoring the Stars and Stripes to its rightful position |
12-2-16 | Morton County | Statement from Morton County Chairman Cody Schulz on Heitkamp Meeting with Trump |
12-1-16 | Morton County Sheriff's Department | While Attempting to Trespass onto Private Property, Protestors Harass Female Law Enforcement Officers |
12-1-16 | Morton County Sheriff's Department | ND Veteran Speaks Out: "We Are One" |