Monday, March 1, 2021 - 02:31pm Categories:

State School Superintendent Kirsten Baesler is encouraging North Dakota public school students and families to take part in an online survey to describe their K-12 learning experiences during the current school year.

The brief survey asks several questions, including whether student participants went to school in-person, via distance learning, or a combination of the two from August 2020 through February 2021. It is intended for public school students and families in grades K-12, and should take no more than 15 minutes to complete, the superintendent said.

The survey asks about whether students had reliable internet service and whether their school provided a tablet or similar connection device. It inquires about whether school staff kept in touch with students, whether “more challenging lessons were available, if needed,” and whether class grading and assessment was “clear and consistent.”

The survey is a collaborative project between the Department of Public Instruction and the North Dakota University System. It provides students and their families an opportunity to express how North Dakota’s public education system worked for them during the COVID-19 pandemic, Baesler said.

“We need to hear the voices of our students and families about the conditions they experienced during the current school year,” Baesler said. “This information is important as we try to pinpoint successes in North Dakota public education, and how and where we need to improve.”

A link to the survey is here. The link will also be available through the Department of Public Instruction’s social media channels. North Dakota students and families who wish to take the survey are asked to do so by Sunday, March 14.