Tuesday, May 19, 2020 - 09:05 am Categories:

The North Dakota State Hospital (NDSH) in Jamestown recently completed a two-day COVID-19 testing event of patients and staff. Nearly 500 tests were administered by the hospital’s 20-person testing team of nurses, infection control specialists, administrators and other key team members.

“I’m so proud of our team members at the North Dakota State Hospital,” said Dr. Rosalie Etherington, the hospital’s superintendent. “This event was truly a team effort, and it is evident that everyone on our campus is taking very seriously the additional health-related measures and infection control procedures we implemented in late March.”

Etherington said the event went smoothly because of the team’s thoughtful planning and strategic use of four testing stations that operated simultaneously, which resulted in a five to 10-minute testing process for each individual.

As part of the hospital’s revised operating procedures, all new admissions are also screened and tested for COVID-19.

“We are well positioned to continue to keep our campus safe and healthy for our staff, the people we serve and for our community,” Etherington said. “We plan to hold additional testing events in the future in collaboration with community partners.”

The hospital is following recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the North Dakota Department of Health and taking various precautions, including limiting group therapy size, modifying treatment settings, practicing social distancing, monitoring hand-washing, screening all team members on a daily basis and other measures. A visitor restriction policy also remains in effect.

“We also have a team member with a passion for quilting who is leading an effort with a handful of patients to make non-medical cloth masks for people who are discharged from the hospital to community living,” Etherington said. “Yards of fabric and other necessary materials have been donated for this project, and it is wonderful to be able to give back to the community and the people we serve.”

For more information on the North Dakota Department of Human Services response to COVID-19, visit www.nd.gov/dhs/info/covid19/index.html. For details about the state’s COVID-19 response, visit www.ndresponse.gov.