Sunday, March 29, 2020 - 08:57 am Categories:

Updated to reflect an amendment which removed the order to quarantine for those in the past 14 days who had traveled from all international locations and states in the U.S. classified as having widespread disease by the CDC. In addition, the exempt workforce sectors were also added to the order. Find the amended order at this link.


State Health Officer Mylynn Tufte today signed a confinement order directing individuals to quarantine for 14 days if traveling back to North Dakota from all international locations and states in the U.S. classified as having widespread disease by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The order impacts individuals returning in the future or those who have returned to North Dakota within the past 14 days. The updated list of states can be found on the North Dakota Department of Health (NDDoH) website at

“Given the global pandemic we’re in, it’s crucial to minimize the exposure of individuals who have traveled from places with widespread disease,” Tufte said. “Reach out to neighbors by phone or video and offer to drop groceries off on their front porch. We’re in this together.”

Workforce sectors that are exempt from the order include: health care and public health; law enforcement, public safety and other first responders; food and agriculture; energy; water and wastewater; transportation and logistics; public works and infrastructure support services; communications and information technology; other community or government-based operations and essential functions; critical manufacturing; hazardous materials; financial services; chemical; defense industrial base; commercial facilities; residential/shelter facilities and services; hygiene products and services. These individuals should limit interactions with others as much as possible and monitor for symptoms for 14 days.

Affected individuals are encouraged to fill out the travel survey found on the NDDoH website to receive information on how to monitor for symptoms.


As directed by Gov. Doug Burgum through executive order 2020-05.1 and as part of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, licensing requirements have been suspended for health care and behavioral health professionals currently licensed and in good standing in other states. This allows North Dakota to recognize out-of-state licensures to increase capacity of health care workers.

Interested health care and behavioral health professionals must complete an online application which includes proof of identity, proof of licensure and a letter of good standing in another state. There is no cost to obtain a temporary emergency license. Licensure will be valid for the duration of the declared state of emergency. The application and more information can be found at


The NDDoH also added a COVID-19 risk assessment for people who have COVID-19 symptoms. The survey will help individuals decide whether they should seek immediate medical care and will allow them to list close contacts. This will aid the NDDoH in better understanding what symptoms individuals present at onset of illness and will help the department increase contact tracing efforts. A close contact is defined as someone you’ve been within 6 feet of for more than 15 minutes of time. Only individuals who later test positive will receive a follow-up call from the NDDoH.

Symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough and shortness of breath. The symptoms may appear in as few as two days or as long as 14 days after exposure. Reported illnesses have ranged from people with little to no symptoms to people being severely ill and dying. Individuals should limit social gatherings to less than 10 people and keep 6 feet away from others when you’re out.  

For the most updated and timely information and updates related to COVID-19, including test result counts, visit the NDDoH website at , follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and visit the CDC website at