Friday, August 21, 2020 - 11:00 am Categories:

Good news! We’ve refreshed our website dashboard and the daily report to make more data publicly available. Did we remove a number in our listing below that interested you? Check out the website for those numbers and more, including additional county-level data, then click the feedback button on the website to let us know what you think. As with any new technology upgrade, there’s sure to be minor setbacks so we thank you in advance for your patience while we perfect the dashboard with you in mind.


7,033 – Total Tests from Yesterday*

421,501 – Total tests completed since pandemic began

232 – Positive Individuals from Yesterday

9,474 – Total positive individuals since pandemic began

3.30% – Daily Positivity Rate**

1,501 – Total Active Cases

+107 Individuals from yesterday

84 – Individuals Recovered from Yesterday****

7,841 – Total recovered since pandemic began

54 – Currently Hospitalized

+9 individuals from yesterday

2 – New Deaths*** (132 total deaths since the pandemic began)


  • Woman in her 70s from Burke County with underlying health conditions.
  • Woman in her 50s from Benson County with underlying health conditions.


  • Barnes County - 3
  • Benson County – 5
  • Bowman County - 1
  • Burleigh County - 73
  • Cass County – 20
  • Dunn County – 1
  • Foster County - 1
  • Grand Forks County – 45
  • Grant County – 1
  • LaMoure County – 1
  • McIntosh County – 1
  • McKenzie County – 2
  • McLean County – 3
  • Mercer County - 1
  • Morton County – 18
  • Mountrail County - 3
  • Pierce County – 1
  • Ramsey County - 3
  • Ransom County – 2
  • Richland County - 2
  • Rolette County - 4
  • Stark County – 8
  • Steele County - 1
  • Stutsman County – 1
  • Traill County - 2
  • Walsh County - 5
  • Ward County – 20
  • Wells County - 1
  • Williams County – 3

* Note that this does not include individuals from out of state and has been updated to reflect the most recent information discovered after cases were investigated.

**Because the serial tests completed and added to the total number of tests completed can result in new individuals who test positive, the daily positivity rate will be calculated using the total positives for the day by the daily number of tests completed instead of the daily number of unique individuals tested.

*** Number of individuals who tested positive and died from any cause while infected with COVID-19.
The daily numbers are the actual date individuals are officially out of isolation and no longer contagious. The number you get by subtracting today's number from yesterday's number is the overall change in what has been reported to us.