Friday, March 7, 2025 - 01:00am

BISMARCK, N.D. – Lower than average precipitation and above average temperatures are combining to look like an earlier and longer spring fire season for North Dakota.

“We’ve seen severe to extreme drought through the winter across western North Dakota, and moderate drought along the southern and southeastern portions of the state,” says Meteorologist Megan Jones with the National Weather Service in Bismarck. “The lack of significant snowpack during the winter allowed vegetation like grasses to remain standing, allowing them to burn easier. Dry fuels, low relative humidity, strong winds, and warm temperatures are key ingredients for fire weather conditions.”

Because of the threat, officials from the ND Department of Emergency Services kicked off the Agency Fire Coordination meetings earlier than normal in the season to ensure readiness across the state. Other agencies included ND Forest Service, ND State Fire Marshal, ND National Guard, National Weather Service, Civil Air Patrol, ND Game and Fish, and ND Parks and Recreation.

While the weekend’s expected warm weather encourages farmers and recreationalists alike to get outside, fire prevention should be at the top of everyone’s mind. Always “learn before you burn” by checking for current fire danger, burn restrictions, and expected fire weather conditions. Burned brush piles can reignite with high winds, so careful monitoring of piles and sloughs is recommended, even if the fire seems out. And always stay off dry grass when driving a vehicle, as hot exhaust pipes can be a heat source for starting a wildfire.

The public is encouraged to be ‘Ready, Set, Go!’

Ready – Be Prepared. Sign up for local alerts and follow local emergency management on social media. Create and practice an emergency plan.
Set – Be Alert. Prepare to evacuate. Evacuate early if you need more time or feel your life is in danger.
Go! – Evacuate Now. Do not hesitate. Bring your pets and emergency supply kit.

State agencies have also worked together with Bismarck State College to put on a Wildland Firefighting Course in April. Due to the extreme need for wildland firefighters across the state, the cost of this class has been offset by the North Dakota Forest Service. Learn more and register at Bismarck State College.


For More Information, Contact :

Beth Hill, NDFS  |  (701) 328-9948
Alison Vetter, NDDES  |  (701) 391-8158
National Weather Service – Bismarck Office (701) 250-4224
National Weather Service – Grand Forks Office (701) 772-0720