Tuesday, July 14, 2020 - 12:19 pm Categories:

The North Dakota Department of Commerce today announced that the application window for the ND Smart Restart Technical Skill Training Grant is anticipated to open on July 20.

Commerce was approved $1 million during a Budget Section meeting on June 25 to administer the ND Smart Restart Technical Skills Training Grant, which is designed to support accelerated, skills-based and hands-on workforce training programs for displaced workers seeking to develop the technical skills necessary to make a career change and remain gainfully employed in North Dakota.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has created an increased demand for workers in several industries, including healthcare, logistics and transportation, cybersecurity and information technology,” Commerce Workforce Division Director Katie Ralston said. “Expediting workers’ return to employment is a top priority identified by the American Workforce Policy Advisory Board and this grant will help North Dakota achieve that goal. Commerce is confident that businesses and training providers will be able to leverage these funds and take an innovative approach training our workforce while meeting the needs of our current economy.”

Although a wide range of programs may qualify, Commerce anticipates that skilled trades and labor training programs are well-suited to develop accelerated programming or expand capacity in existing programs.

New programs and existing programs that began after March 1, 2020, may qualify for this grant to support operating expenses and scholarships for current participants.

Updates about the ND Smart Restart Technical Skills Training Grant will be posted on Commerce’s website as more information becomes available.