Wednesday, April 1, 2020 - 04:55 pm Categories:

Kim Konikow, Executive Director, North Dakota Council on the Arts (NDCA) today announced several updates and assistance available to the arts and cultural sector.


Data needed:
The North Dakota Council on the Arts (NDCA) is collecting data on the economic impact of COVID-19 on North Dakota arts and culture activities. Share your information, please take this very short survey: This will go a long way to make a case and gain some financial relief at the State level. Continue to enter data as time progresses!

In addition, The
North Dakota Department of Commerce is also tracking information, to leverage support for North Dakota businesses, of which the Arts and Culture nonprofits are included.
We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for your time.

North Dakota updates:
In response to the recent state of emergency regarding the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), NDCA continues to follow announcements from Governor Burgum and the Department of Health. For more information on COVID-19 symptoms, resources and prevention, visit

You are not alone - Connect with us:
NDCA is collecting an abundance of resources to keep you informed. There is much to share. Check out the resources often – and learn about financial aid availability, read inspirational stories and get factual COVID-19 updates. Resources and information available here.

Talk to us! Three Listening Sessions still remain. Join the Zoom meetings Fridays at 11:00 AM (CST) April 3, April 10, and April 17, 2020. Visit NDCA's Facebook page for more. Continue planning for the future! Be creative and remain centered. Work creatively with others in your community and region. We are all in this together…

Funding news:
The passage of the new COVID-19 economic rescue bill marks a major step forward on the federal policy front. The
National Assembly of State Arts Agencies worked in coalition with the Cultural Advocacy Group to secure $75 million in relief funding to be distributed through the National Endowment for the Arts, 40% of which will go to states, jurisdictions and regions. The ability to waive matching requirements on those funds and to use them for operational purposes were big wins. New guidelines for the use and release of Arts Endowment COVID-19 funds are on the drawing board. We'll keep you apprised of that progress.

Notably for our field, the legislation also includes
$150 billion in aid for states, jurisdictions, and local and tribal governments. It also expands assistance to small businesses (including nonprofits) and temporarily extends federal unemployment benefits to part-time, self-employed and "gig economy" workers, all of which will be helpful to the arts industry.
Connect with the
Small Business Administration and Unemployment – both are available and easier to apply to – You Are Eligible!!!

Thank you for all you do! You are all on our minds.

NDCA Staff contact information
Bosch, Robin L.
Engelman, Rebecca
Geist, Troyd A.
Konikow, Kim
Schmidt, Amy R.
Schreiner, Kayla M.
Voskuil, Vanessa I.