Monday, November 11, 2019 - 11:00pm Categories:
2019 Fall Flooding

Due to the recent information from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, and the Bureau of Reclamation, LaMoure and Stutsman Counties are notifying the public of the anticipated ice conditions this winter and next spring due to continued releases from the Jamestown and Pipestem Reservoirs. It is advised that the public refrain from any activity on the James River due to unstable and hazardous ice conditions throughout the winter of 2019-2020 as a matter of public safety and rescue personnel safety. Any activity on the James River this winter will be extremely dangerous.

Changing water elevations and increased water releases throughout the winter will create dangerous areas and changing ice conditions without warning. Fluctuating water levels beneath the ice will leave voids between the ice and the water surface creating hazardous ice conditions and making any rescue nearly impossible.

Ice activities always are considered risky. Activities on these rivers this winter will be extremely dangerous. After serious consideration, the counties have determined that rescue operations in these ice conditions will be nearly impossible. Any rescue attempt would put rescue personnel in extremely dangerous situations. Therefore, after ice-over, it is advised to restrict all access to the rivers and prohibit all activity on the rivers due to anticipated dangerous ice conditions.