
Check for restrictions before burning and participating in outdoor activities

It is critical that you verify current restrictions before burning or participating in outdoor activities as conditions may develop throughout the day, such as issuance of a Red Flag Warning, that results in a change in restriction status.


Our all-in-one map enables users to check for Burn Restrictions, Fire Danger ratings, Red Flag warnings, and local declarations within one intuitive tool.


This map may not be all-inclusive. Incorporated cities may have their own permanent burn restrictions based on local ordinances. Please contact your local fire department or emergency management office for the most current information regarding restrictions in your area.


All National Forest System lands within the Little Missouri National Grassland, Denbigh Experimental Forest, and Souris Purchase Unit adopt Burn Ban restrictions in corresponding counties when the given county has: (a) implemented a burn ban/restriction; and (b) is identified as having a “Very High” or “Extreme” fire danger on the North Dakota Fire Danger Rating Map or the given county is under a Red Flag Warning. 


Click to view the current Burn Restrictions and Declarations Map


ND Fire Danger Guide (pdf)

If there are no local or state burn restrictions in place, guidelines outlined in the ND Fire Danger Guide are highly advised.  If there are restrictions in place, you must follow what is outlined in the proclamation. 

Click here for the 2024 ND Fire Danger Guide