
At approximately 6:30 am, a vehicle purportedly leaving the protest camp was northbound on Hwy 1806 and crashed into the burnt trucks north of the Backwater Bridge.  Vehicle occupants refused medical transport.  The NDHP investigated the crash. In the morning, a large group assembled on Hwy 1806 in the area of the Backwater Bridge apparently to engage in a prayer march.  It was estimated that 200-300 persons were present.  At approximately 4:00 pm, a group of protesters arrived at the State Capitol.  Some of the protesters entered the Judicial Wing.  This group was subsequently arrested as they were seated on the floor and refused to leave as the Capitol was closing.  The remainder of the group remained outside the Capitol and eventually marched to a location on the west side of 4th Street across from the Governor’s residence where they engaged in a demonstration.  A small group crossed over to the Capitol grounds and refused to obey law enforcement orders and were subsequently arrested.  The remainder of the protest group eventually left the area. At total of 18 persons were arrested during the protest at the Capitol.