Quotes and Testimonials
The state produces a weekly snapshot - called Said and Heard - of quotes in relation to the Dakota Access Pipeline.
- VOL 1 - Joint Information Center
- VOL 2 - Joint Information Center
- VOL 3 - In the Media
- VOL 4 - Department of Emergency Services
- VOL 5 - North Dakota Highway Patrol
- VOL 6 - Joint Information Center
- VOL 7 - Game and Fish Department
- VOL 8 - Department of Health
- VOL 9 - Joint Information Center
- VOL 10 - Governor's Office
By the Numbers
"By The Numbers" provides a snapshot of resources and costs diverted from normal operations to support State and Local response to ensure public safety and law and order in Morton County and the Bismarck region due to protest events and related illegal activity since August 10, 2016.
- Overall activity as of January 9th
- North Dakota Highway Patrol activity as of January 20th
- DAPL Protest Funding as of January 30th
- Overall activity as of February 13th
- North Dakota National Guard activity as of February 21st
- North Dakota Department of Agriculture as of February 27th
- Overall activity as of March 6th
Other Resources
- Presidential Actions
- Congressional Delegation Statements
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Notice of Intent